Backpage and Craigslist used to be the best advertisement websites where escort girls used to post their ads. You might not know this, but Backpage got shut down by federals because they were getting suspicious of this website. Since the shutdown both clients and escorts are facing quite a tough time to get together. Not only escorts have suffered a huge loss, but they are also finding it difficult to get regular business because they can’t reach out to clients.
If you are also unable to find backpage escorts, then don’t worry because we are here to rescue you. All the escorts who used to work through backpage are working with us because we are the leading escort service providers. We ensure that our escorts are getting daily jobs at their preferred time slot. If you are worried because Backpage is no more, then stop worrying because we are here for you.
Our website has grown immensely during past few years and we qualified to be on the first page of Google. Since then we are getting lots of clients and lots of escorts are registering with us to provide their services. Now, due to close down of Backpage site, we have lots of escorts from Backpage who are interested in working with us. You simply have to visit us and we assure you that all your favorite Backpage escort girls can be found at our website. We are indeed the best Backpage alternative and we guarantee that you are going to be super happy to see these escorts back to work.
There was a time when Backpage used to be the primary source of traffic for these escorts, but Backpage was under the radar for various suspicious activities. Many reports suggest that Backpage was even under scrutiny for money laundering, but no one knows the exact reason for the take down of the website. But escort girls got really affected with this because they used to rely on Backpage to get more clients. Their advertisement used to be the only through which they can reach potential customers.
But now they don’t have a medium, and even independent escorts are now don’t have any other option rather than joining an agency. We at our agency always think about the protection and comfort of our girls, hence we allow independent escorts to work as they used to work with Backpage. This helps in building a strong bond between the escort girls and the agency. In this way we can help them and they can help us. As we already stated that we have a huge viewership and lots of regular clients who demand for new escorts every time they are in town.
Backpage escorts were amazing and they were open-minded and damn pretty too. Moreover, they used to charge less, since they didn’t had to pay anyone else. Well, now they are working with us and we guarantee you that nothing has changed. Even though, they are associated with us, the charges remains the same and the quality of services will also be the same.
In fact on our website you can check out their pictures and profiles. This will allow you to get to know more about them. We have dedicated website so that clients can easily find what they want and now we have also lots of Backpage escorts who lost their clients because of the shutdown. But you don’t have to worry since all of them are working with us and that’s a great thing.
We know that men loved Backpage since they used to get lots of advertisement and they used to get cheaper charges too, but don’t worry, nothing has changed a lot. Since all of these hot and sexy backpage escort girls are working with us, you get the same thing with us. Nothing will be compromised, you get same quality within the same prices, just the way of hiring is different. You can simply call and tell us which girl you liked the most and we will deliver within the given time. If you choose us then you will see how easy we have made things.